Saturday, September 05, 2009

Mystic Moo

In a series of posts earlier this year, I showed an interest in learning to read Tarot cards. Can they really show an insight into our past, present and future lives? In an attempt to discover a little more about how tarot and other psychic readings work, I have set myself a challenge.

Four weeks from today I will be sitting at a table at a psychic fair giving readings. That's right. I'll be giving readings. This means that before then I need to learn what each of the tarot cards actually mean! There are 78 cards in a tarot deck that each have their own meaning (in fact they can each have two meanings, depending if they appear in an upright or reversed position) so this isn't going to be easy. I'll let you know how I get on (but if you read tarot, I guess you'll already know).


enn said...

Good luck with the learning.
Will you be wearing a headscarf and dangly earrings? I do hope so!

Spiritual Junkie said...

Yes. But not while giving readings.

Anonymous said...

He's been wearing them for years along with my dresses ;-)

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha...Pity I cant make it as I would pay to see that, which reminds wont be charging for the readings will you?

You have got a challenge ahead since you need to learn all the meanings and as you already know...there are many.

Will be fun..good luck.

Spiritual Junkie said...

Readings will be only £50 each. Just call me Deepak ;-)

I don't think I'd be comfortable charging for readings, but I'm thinking the deal will be that anyone who gets a reading from me will also have to get a reading from one of the 'professional' readers. This way, I'll be able to get people to compare my readngs with those from other readers.

lifes said...

ha ha ha.

Free are going to be VERY busy.

The results should be very interesting.
Can guess what they would

Are you going to publish your findings?

Anonymous said...

well, you've to learn not only the 78x2=156 meanings of the individual cards but also the way they are influenced by the other cards in the spread. Which spread will you be using?

Spiritual Junkie said...

I'll post an account of what transpires here... I don't think it's the stuff of academic journals!

Spiritual Junkie said...

@Anonymous... eh? Spread? I've not even thought as far as what I'll have on my sandwiches ;-)

I'm thinking Celtic Cross (as though I know what I'm talking about...).

Can you suggest one?

Anonymous said...

Oh lol...sandwich.

Will look forward to your account. it important what spread is chosen?

enn said...

If I may I would suggest a low fat spread and the Liverpool Cross rather than the Celtic :)

Anonymous said...

What deck will you be using?

the celtic cross is the one most people recognise

Will be interesting to see the results.

Spiritual Junkie said...

I have a Golden Tarot deck, but I have also been recommended the Mythic Tarot as being good for beginners...

Anonymous said...

I have the merlin tarot ... its a bit different from the norm.

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