I told Billy about my rather ambitious attempt to learn to become psychic (oh, and win a million dollars!) and he very kindly gave me a copy of his book on psychic development. How cool is that?
Towards the beginning of the book, in order to identify where you are on the psychic development path, your 'psychic quotient' so to speak, Billy very helpfully provides a quick test consisting of ten questions (another ten questions point to your psychic potential). I'm hoping he won't mind me copying them here so you, too, can discover your psychic quotient. All you need to do is answer 'yes' or 'no' to each question:
1. Do you feel an affinity with some people more than others?
2. Do you sometimes have strong feelings about imminent events, perhaps an inner voice telling you something is wrong?
3. Do you sometimes find yourself daydreaming in the middle of a conversation with someone, even though you are not bored?
4. Do you sometimes have vivid dreams about impending doom and disaster?
5. Do sweet or unusual fragrances sometimes remind you of someone who is dead?
6. Do you ever see images when staring at a carpet or curtains?
7. Do you sometimes think you can hear someone calling your name when you know you are alone in the house?
8. When lying in bed, do you ever feel pressure on top of the covers, as though someone were sitting on the end of the bed?
9. Have you experienced deja vu on more than one occasion?
10. When drifting off to sleep, do you see small faces passing quickly in front of you?
How many did you say 'yes' to? According to Billy, if you said 'yes' to between seven and ten of the questions above then you already have developed psychic abilities! I only said 'yes' to four of the questions, but that just means my psychic abilities simply need a little encouragement. Even if you found yourself saying 'yes' to just three or less of the questions, there is still hope... with patience and determination you'll still meet your psychic potential!
That million dollars is mine for the taking...